The Art of Being Intentional

My Father was an artist. He took some classes in college, but it wasn’t his profession. It was a hobby. He enjoyed painting with oils. I was amazed as a kid to watch him begin with a blank canvas and turn it into a finished work of art. I was also amazed at how much time it took. I remember saying, “That looks great! Is it done?” My dad would reply, “No, not yet.” He would then spend more time paying attention to the details, and I would be amazed at how much better it looked when it was finally completed.

What if we looked at our day as a blank canvas? The New Year? Our life? Would we let aimless brush strokes fill it? Or would we use a brush dipped in our deepest desires, hopes, and dreams? Would we invest the time necessary to create a work of art and pay attention to the details? Would we be continually improving and refining our habits?

Be intentional. Define the colors of your days with purpose, weave strokes of meaning into every choice. Let each decision, habit, and action, become a detail on the canvas of your existence. Make each step be a deliberate dance towards your dreams, each interaction a vibrant stroke towards connection.

This is the art of life lived intentionally. Being intentional is a powerful commitment to shaping our destiny rather than merely drifting along the currents of circumstance. It is the conscious decision to set meaningful goals, cultivate positive habits, and align our actions with our aspirations. By embracing intentionality, we unlock the potential to create a life imbued with purpose, fulfillment, and a profound sense of accomplishment. It's not about perfection, but about painting your own path, a masterpiece of authenticity where joy and fulfillment bloom.

Let intention be the compass guiding you through the journey of self-discovery and the realization of your deepest dreams. Pull out your brushes and let’s get painting!