Trading a Good Act for a Better One

Ever feel like your schedule is a three-ring circus, bursting with amazing but overwhelming tasks? The problem might not be juggling bad acts but having too many good acts vying for your precious time.

 Instead of endlessly adding to your to-do list, focus on a new trick: strategic outsourcing. Think of it like hiring a talented young neighbor for your lawn mowing act. What would it cost, and what could you gain by freeing up that time? Maybe an evening dedicated to your book, or quality moments with loved ones.

 A friend of mine discovered this magic. He found that hiring someone for a home remodeling project actually saved him money compared to taking time off and doing it himself. He traded manual labor for more lucrative work hours, turning "doing" into "earning."

 Key point: Don't just outsource and then veg out. Use that reclaimed time wisely, whether it's for work, relationships, or personal enrichment. Yes, mowing the lawn or painting walls can be therapeutic. If so, do it! But also consider, you can achieve that zen through other activities, leaving precious "big tent" time for the things that truly matter.

 Letting go of some acts doesn't mean abandoning your responsibilities. It's about creating a schedule that reflects your priorities and keeps your stress level in check. So, go ahead, step out of the spotlight, and let someone else handle the lawnmower. Your book, family, and your sanity will thank you for it.

 Bonus tip: Recognize that outsourcing isn't always one-size-fits-all. Some tasks might hold sentimental value that outweighs pure efficiency. Choose wisely and enjoy the freedom of a well-managed circus!